ADI: Adding and Setting Up Wix Groups

4 min read
In this article
  • Step 1 | Add the Wix Groups app to your site
  • Step 2 | Create Your First Group
  • Step 3 | Set Up Your Groups List Page
  • Step 4 | Set Up Your Group Page
With Wix Groups you can create an engaging and active community for your site members. Create a group around a common interest, a shared experience or as a way of categorizing the members of the classes or services you offer.

Step 1 | Add the Wix Groups app to your site

When you add Wix Groups to your ADI site it installs two separate pages: the main Groups List page as well as an individual Groups Page for each group you create.

Step 2 | Create Your First Group

Head over to Groups in your site's dashboard to create your first group. We recommend creating a group before moving on to the Groups page settings so you can better visualize how the settings work.

Step 3 | Set Up Your Groups List Page

The main Groups page is where site visitors and current group members see a list of all your groups. Choose a layout for the Groups List and manage the settings from the ADI builder.

Step 4 | Set Up Your Group Page

Every group you create gets a page where site visitors can learn more about the group and existing group members can interact with one another. Customize the page and choose what information to display.
The settings you choose for your Group page affect every group.
You can edit your group's information, create new groups, and manage settings by clicking Manage in the ADI Builder.