Wix Editor: About Fonts Available in Wix
3 min
Choose from a range of fonts to help you build your Wix site. Personalize your look by using a font that matches the distinct personality of your pages and content. See the table below for a complete list of fonts available on Wix, as well as the source for that font type.
Some jurisdictions have imposed restrictions of the use of different fonts. Therefore, you need to ensure that you only use the fonts that are allowed according to your jurisdiction's laws and regulations.
Font | Source |
Adobe Caslon | Adobe |
Amatic SC | Google |
American typewriter | Monotype |
Anton | Google |
Arial | System |
Arial black | System |
Asimon | AlefAlefAlef |
Avenida | Monotype |
Avenir | Monotype |
Avenir Light | Monotype |
Barlow Extra Light | Google |
Barlow Medium | Google |
Basic | Google |
Belinda | Monotype |
Bodoni Poster | Monotype |
Braggadocio | Monotype |
Brandon Grotesque | Monotype |
Bree | Google |
Caudex | Google |
Chelsea Market | Google |
Chips | Masterfont |
Cinzel | Google |
Clarendon LT | Monotype |
Comic sans MS | System |
Cookie | Google |
Coquette | Monotype |
Corben | Google |
Cormorant Garamond Light | Google |
Cormorant Garamond Semi Bold | Google |
Courier New | System |
Damion | Google |
Dancing Script Regular | Google |
DIN Neuzeit Grotesk | Monotype |
DIN Next Light | Monotype |
Droid Serif EB | Monotype |
Enriqueta | Google |
Forum | Google |
Frank Rühl | Google |
Fredericka the Great | Google |
Futura | Monotype |
Futura Light | Monotype |
EB Garamond | Google |
Georgia | System |
Geotica Four Open | Monotype |
Helvetica | Monotype |
Helvetica Bold | Monotype |
Helvetica Light | Monotype |
Impact | Monotype |
ITC ARECIBO | Monotype |
Jockey One | Google |
Josefin Slab | Google |
Jura | Google |
Kelly Slab | Google |
Kepler | Monotype |
Lato Light | Google |
Libre Baskerville | Google |
Linotype Didot | Monotype |
Lobster | Google |
Lucida Console | Monotype |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Monotype |
Lulo Clean | Monotype |
Marck Script | Google |
Marzo | Monotype |
Monoton | Google |
Monotype Baskerville | Monotype |
Montserrat | Google |
Mr De Haviland | Google |
Museo | Monotype |
Museo Slab | Monotype |
Niconne | Google |
Nimbus Sans | Monotype |
Noticia Text | Google |
Open Sans | Google |
Open Sans Condensed | Google |
Oswald Bold | Google |
Oswald Extra Light | Google |
Oswald Medium | Google |
Oswald Regular | Google |
Overlock | Google |
Pacifica Condensed | Monotype |
Palatino Linotype | Monotype |
Patrick Hand | Google |
Peaches & Cream | Monotype |
Playfair Display | Google |
Playfair Display Black | Google |
Playfair Display Black Italic | Google |
Play | Google |
Playfair Display Bold | Google |
Playfair Display Bold Italic | Google |
Poppins Bold | Google |
Poppins Bold Italic | Google |
Poppins Extra Light | Google |
Poppins Extra Light Italic | Google |
Poppins regular | Google |
Poppins regular Italic | Google |
Poppins Semi Bold | Google |
Poppins Semi-Bold Italic | Google |
Proxima Nova | Monotype |
Questrial | Google |
Raleway Bold | Google |
Raleway Bold Italic | Google |
Raleway Semi Bold | Google |
Raleway semi Bold Italic | Google |
Reklame Script | Monotype |
Roboto Bold | Google |
Roboto Thin | Google |
Rosewood | Google |
Rozha One | Google |
Sacramento | Google |
Sail | Google |
Sarina | Google |
Signika | Google |
Snell Roundhand | Monotype |
Soho Condensed | Monotype |
Spinnaker | Google |
Stencil | Adobe |
Suez One | Google |
Tahoma | System |
Verdana | Microsoft |
Work Sans Bold | Google |
Work Sans Extra Light | Google |
Work Sans Light | Google |
Work Sans Semi Bold | Google |
BM Hanna | Google-Korean |
Dotum | Google-Korean |
FB Blue Gothic | Google-Korean |
FB Cham Blue | Google-Korean |
FB Green | Google-Korean |
FB Neo Gothic | Google-Korean |
FB Plum | Google-Korean |
Gulim | Google-Korean |
Maglun Gothic | Google-Korean |
Nanum Gothic | Google-Korean |
MS Pゴシック | Google-Japanese |
MS P明朝 | Google-Japanese |
MS ゴシック | Google-Japanese |
MS 明朝 | Google-Japanese |
UD明朝 | Google-Japanese |
UD角ゴ_ラージ | Google-Japanese |
クックハンド | Google-Japanese |
スキップ | Google-Japanese |
スーラ | Google-Japanese |
ニューセザンヌ | Google-Japanese |
マティス | Google-Japanese |
メイリオ | Google-Japanese |
ロダン L | Google-Japanese |
ロダン M | Google-Japanese |
筑紫Aオールド明朝 | Google-Japanese |
筑紫A丸ゴシック | Google-Japanese |
筑紫B丸ゴシック | Google-Japanese |
筑紫ゴシック | Google-Japanese |
Kanit | Google-Thai |
Prompt | Google-Thai |
Mitr | Google-Thai |
Sarabun | Google-Thai |
K2D | Google-Thai |
Pridi | Google-Thai |
Trirong | Google-Thai |
Maitree | Google-Thai |
Sriracha | Google-Thai |
Kodchasan | Google-Thai |
Bai Jamjuree | Google-Thai |
Fraunces 120 light | Google |
Fraunces 120 Regular | Google |
Fraunces 120 Semi-bold | Google |
Fraunces 120 Bold | Google |
Fraunces Extra Light (200) | Google |
Fahkwang Regular | Google |
Fahkwang Bold | Google |
Fraunces Regular (400) | Google |
Fraunces Bold (700) | Google |
Syne Regular | Google |
Syne Bold | Google |
Space Grotesk Regular | Google |
Space Grotesk Bold | Google |
Quicksand Regular | Google |
Nobile Regular | Google |
Nobile Bold | Google |
Inknot Antiqua Regular | Google |
Inknot Antiqua Bold | Google |
Caveat Regular | Google |
Caveat Bold | Google |
Marmelad | Google |
Heebo light (300) | Google-Hebrew |
Heebo Regular (400) | Google-Hebrew |
Heebo medium (500) | Google-Hebrew |
Heebo Bold (700) | Google-Hebrew |
Rubik light (300) | Google-Hebrew |
Rubik regular (400) | Google-Hebrew |
Rubik Medium (500) | Google-Hebrew |
Rubik Bold (700) | Google-Hebrew |
Assistant light (300) | Google-Hebrew |
Assistant regular (400) | Google-Hebrew |
Assistant Semi bold (600) | Google-Hebrew |
Assistant Bold (700) | Google-Hebrew |
Karantina light (300) | Google-Hebrew |
Karantina regular (400) | Google-Hebrew |
Almoni - New version | Alef-Alef-Alef |
Did you know?
- You can change your font from the text settings panel, or set text themes to use throughout your site.
- The availability of some fonts depends on your site language. Learn more about changing your site language.
- Make your site more accessible by choosing clear, legible fonts. This can help visitors who have visual or reading impairments.