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Wix Forms: Designing Your Site Forms

4 min
Design your form to add a splash of individuality to your visitors' experience. Customize the background color, change button text or adjust shadows and borders to bring the form to life. 
Designing your form is currently only available for site forms. For standalone forms, you can manage form fields but not update their design.
Screenshot of get in touch form with customized lilac fields.
How do I know if I'm using old Wix Forms or new Wix Forms?
This article will help you understand the differences between old and new Wix Forms. 

To design your site forms:

New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Click the relevant form on your page.
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click the Design tab.
  4. Customize the form design using the available options:
    • Form Background: Choose the form background color, as well as the border color and width.
    • Form Fields: Select a form field style and customize the opacity, font, font size, etc.
      Tip: You can design how fields appear in different states: Regular, Hover, and Error.
    • Header and Paragraph: Choose a font and color for the form text.
    • Buttons: Design the form buttons including how they appear on hover (e.g. submit button, back button, etc.)
A screenshot of the Design tab of a form with button color options selected.
Screenshot of get in touch form with customized lilac fields.
A screenshot of the Design tab of a form with button color options selected.