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Wix Bookings: Creating an Appointment Without a Price Display

1 min
If you prefer not to display service prices for your appointments, you can create a no-fee service. This is a great option for custom services where you negotiate the price. 
A screenshot how the service appears for your clients.

To create an appointment without a price display:

  1. Go to Booking Services in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click + Add a New Service.
  3. Under Appointment, choose what you want to do: 
    • Click Edit below the relevant appointment template.
    • Click + Start from Scratch to use a blank template. 
  4. Fill out the Service details section.
  5. In the Price & payment section:
    1. Select Custom price from the Price type drop-down.
    2. Describe the price or how you charge for this service under Price Description. For example, "Prices Vary" or "Free after lunch".
  6. (Optional) Fill out the remaining sections of the appointment (e.g. Locations, Staff & availability).
    Learn more about creating appointments
  7. Click Save.
A screenshot showing where to add custom price and description.
A screenshot how the service appears for your clients.
A screenshot showing where to add custom price and description.