Wix Studio: Earning Points in the Wix Partner Program

2 min read
In this article
  • Earning points in the Wix Partner Program
  • Important information
  • Viewing your points history
Earn points by building and upgrading sites or completing certifications to level up in the Wix Partner Program. As you earn points, you'll unlock exclusive benefits designed to help grow your business. 
A screenshot of the Partner Points dialog in Wix Studio.

Earning points in the Wix Partner Program

As a Wix Partner, you earn:
  • 300 points for upgrading a Wix Studio site as the first owner (the site's creator).
  • 100 points for upgrading a Wix Studio site as a collaborator.
  • 100 points for upgrading a Wix site as the first owner or a collaborator.
  • 100 points for completing a Wix Learn or Wix Studio Academy certification.
To earn points for sites in other Wix accounts, you must be a collaborator on those sites.
Ways to earn
Points earned
Wix Learn certification

Wix Studio Academy certifications


Important information

Read the information below to understand more about earning points.
  • Eligibility: You earn points for any site you upgrade with a plan, regardless of the plan type or discount applied.
  • Keeping earned points: You keep your points as long as the site has an active plan. If the plan expires, is reassigned to another site, or is canceled within its trial period, you lose them.
  • Working on sites in other Wix accounts: If you built and upgraded a site in another Wix account, you must be a collaborator on that site to earn points.
  • Receiving points: 
    • Points for upgrading a site with a plan are applied immediately.
    • Points for completing a certification may take a few business days to be added to your account.
    • If you purchase a plan for a site and then reassign it to another site, you only receive points for the original site (which will then become a free site).

Viewing your points history

Track your progress in the Partner level section at the top left of your Wix Studio workspace. View a breakdown of your total points, including upgraded sites and completed certifications.
A screenshot of your partner level section and clicking View Points in the Wix Studio workspace.

To view your earned points:

  1. Go to your Wix Studio workspace.
  2. Hover over the Partner level section in the top left of your workspace and click View Points:
    • Premium sites: Points you've earned for upgraded sites. 
    • Certifications: Points you've earned for completed certifications.
    • Manual adjustments: Points added by our team.
  3. Click Close when you're done.
Points earned for upgrading Editor X sites with a plan will remain in your account.