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Wix Restaurants: Using Wix Restaurants to Offer Catering Services

2 min
Catering services are services that customers can order in advance for a specific date and time. You can offer catering using the Wix Restaurants online ordering feature. You'll just have to make a few updates to the pickup and delivery settings, and set how far in advance customers can place their orders.
Before you begin:
Make sure you've already set up online ordering for your restaurant site.

To offer catering services using Wix Restaurants:

  1. Go to Order Settings in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the Pickup tab. 
    1. Set the pickup time for 0 minutes.
    2. Click Save at the top right.
  3. Click the Delivery tab.
    1. Click into each delivery area to edit them.
    2. Set the Maximum Delivery Time to 0 minutes.
    3. Click Save at the top right.
  4. Click the Order scheduling tab. 
    1. Click the Scheduled orders toggle to enable it and set how far in advance customers can place orders:
    2. Minimum time: Enter a number and select Minutes, Hours or Days from the drop-down list.
      Note: This is the minimum time customers can place a future order in advance.
    3. Maximum time: Enter a maximum number and select Minutes, Hours or Days from the drop-down list.
      Note: This is the maximum time customers can place a future order in advance.
    4. Disable the ASAP toggle.
    5. Click Save at the top right.
A screenshot of toggling of ASAP orders in order scheduling.
A screenshot of toggling of ASAP orders in order scheduling.