Wix Photo Albums: Reordering the Products in Your Photo Album Store
1 min
Wix Photo Albums Store is not available to all users. As of February 2023, it is no longer possible to add Wix Photo Albums Store to your site. As an alternative, you can add Wix Stores to your site and connect it to Printful to sell your photos.
Organize the order of your products in your Photo Album store to provide a better experience for your clients. You can order them so that similar products are grouped together, or to display complete collections together.

To change the order of your products:
- Go to Photo Albums in your site's dashboard.
- Click the Album Store tab on the left.
- Click Pricing.
- Hover over the relevant product and drag and drop it to a new location.
- Click Save.
- Publish or preview your site to view the changes.