Wix Photo Albums: Printing and Shipping Issues in the Wix Photo Albums Store
1 min
Wix Photo Albums Store is not available to all users. As of February 2023, it is no longer possible to add Wix Photo Albums Store to your site. As an alternative, you can add Wix Stores to your site and connect it to Printful to sell your photos.
Wix works with a third party company Order a Print to manage all your printing requirements. Order a Print is a worldwide print fulfillment platform and a developer of today's most advanced online printing solutions.
Order a Print are responsible for printing and shipping of the printed goods in your Wix Photo Albums Store.
If you have questions around the order status of your prints or have concerns with the quality of your prints, we recommend that you reach out to them directly with your query / concern.
For questions or comments contact Order a Print directly:
Email: support@orderaprint.com