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Wix Payments: Transaction Declined Reasons

5 min
A Wix Payments transaction may be declined for several reasons. Below you can see all of the possible reasons for decline, as well as a description and possible actions to help your customer complete their purchase.
Reason for Decline
Denied by Bank
The customer's card-issuing bank will not allow this transaction. The customer should contact their bank for more information.
Potentially Fraudulent
The customer’s card issuer has declined the transaction as the card is suspected to be counterfeit or stolen.
Card not Activated
The customer's card is new and not yet activated. The customer should either activate it or use a different card.
Contact Card Issuer
There was a bank-side issue with processing the payment. The customer should contact their bank or use a different card.
Card Issuer Unavailable
The payment provider was unable to contact the card-issuing bank to authorize the transaction. The customer should attempt the transaction again later.
CVV2/CID Error
The customer's 3 or 4-digit security code was not entered correctly. They should try again with the correct code or contact their bank.
Declined by Issuer
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction for an unspecified reason. The customer should use another card or contact their bank.
Denied (Unspecified)
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction for an unspecified reason. The customer should use another card or contact their bank.
Do not Honor
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction for an unspecified reason. Suspicious activity or insufficient funds are the most common reasons for this message. The customer should use another card or contact their bank.
Generic Error
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction for an unspecified reason. The customer should use another card or contact their bank.
Exceeds Approval Limit
The transaction was denied because the sum exceeds their credit limit. The customer should use another card, account or method of payment.
Card Expired
The card is expired. The customer should use a different card.
Generic Decline
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction for an unspecified reason. The customer should use another card or contact their bank.
Illegal Transaction
The transaction was denied to avoid a violation of law. The customer should use another card. Proceed with caution.
Insufficient Balance
The customer has insufficient funds to complete the transaction. They should use an alternative account, card or method of payment.
Insufficient Funds
The customer has insufficient funds to complete the transaction. They should use an alternative account, card or method of payment.
Invalid Account Number
The customer's card is either closed by the card issuing bank or they did not enter the card number correctly. They should try again with the correct card number or with a different card.
Invalid Card Number
The customer's card is either closed by the card issuing bank or they did not enter the card number correctly. They should try again with the correct card number or with a different card.
Invalid CVV
The customer's 3 or 4-digit security code was not entered correctly. The customer should try again with the correct code or contact their bank.
Invalid Expiration Date
The customer's card expiration date was not entered correctly. The customer should try again with the correct date or contact their bank.
Invalid Issuer
The customer's card number does not correlate to an existing card-issuing bank or there is a connectivity error with the issuer. The customer should contact their bank for more information.
Invalid Merchant
The transaction was refused by the card-issuing bank. The customer should try again later, use a different method of payment or contact their bank for clarification.
Issuer Unavailable
The payment provider was unable to contact the card-issuing bank to authorize the transaction. The customer should attempt the transaction again later.
Lost Card
The card used in this transaction was previously reported as lost. Validate customer's identity and refer them to their bank. Proceed with caution.
Exceeds Credit Limit
The transaction exceeds the customer's credit limit. The customer should use an alternative account, card or method of payment.
Refer to Card Issuer (Special Condition)
The transaction was declined by the card-issuing bank due to an internal problem. The customer should contact their bank or use an alternative method of payment.
Refer to Issuer
The transaction was declined by the card-issuing bank due to an internal problem. The customer should contact their bank or use an alternative method of payment.
Restricted Card
The card-issuing bank has included the customer's card on an exclusion list. (e.g. the bank has excluded or embargoed the card's country).
Restricted Card (Special Condition)
The card-issuing bank has included the customer's card on an exclusion list. (e.g. the bank has excluded or embargoed the card's country)
Stolen Card
The card-issuing bank has declined the transaction as the card is suspected to be stolen. Refer the customer to their bank and proceed with caution.
Stolen Card (Pick-up)
The card-issuing bank has declined the transaction as the card is suspected to be stolen. Refer the customer to their bank and proceed with caution.
Suspected Fraud
The payment provider has declined the transaction due to suspected fraudulent activity on the account. Contact Wix Customer Care for support.
System Malfunction
An error occurred on the card-issuing bank’s side of the transaction. The customer should try again later or use an alternative method of payment.
Technical Error
An error occurred on the card-issuing bank’s side of the transaction. The customer should try again later or use an alternative method of payment.
Transaction Exceeds Limit
The sum of this transaction exceeds the credit limit attached to the account that the customer provided.
Transaction Not Permitted to Acquirer
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction as the provided credit card cannot be used for this type of transaction. The customer should use another card, method of payment or contact their bank.
Transaction Not Permitted to Issuer
The card-issuing bank did not permit the transaction on this card or account. The customer should use another method of payment.
Transaction Not Permitted to Cardholder
The card-issuing bank did not permit the transaction on this card or account. The customer should use another method of payment.
Transaction Unauthorized for this Cardholder
The card-issuing bank did not permit the transaction on this card or account. The customer should use another method of payment.
Unknown Card Issuer
The transaction was denied due to a problem with connecting with the card-issuing bank. The customer can either try again later, use a different method of payment or contact their bank.
Declined Due to Risk
The card-issuing bank or payment provider have declined the transaction due to suspected fraudulent activity on the account. Refer the customer to their bank and proceed with caution.
Declined by Bank
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction for an unspecified reason. The customer should use another card, method of payment or contact their bank.
Internal Error
An error occurred on the card-issuing bank’s side of the transaction. The customer should try again later or use an alternative method of payment.
Declined by AMEX
The card-issuing bank declined the transaction for an unspecified reason. The customer should use another card, method of payment or contact their bank.
Lost or Stolen Card
The card used in this transaction was previously reported as lost or stolen. Validate customer's identity and refer them to their bank. Proceed with caution.
Invalid Security Code
The customer's 3 or 4-digit security code was not entered correctly. The customer should try again with the correct code or contact their bank.
Missing CVV
The customer's 3 or 4-digit security code is missing. The customer should try again with the correct code or contact their bank.
Blocked Card (Lost/Stolen)
The card used in this transaction was previously reported as lost or stolen. Validate customer's identity and refer them to their bank. Proceed with caution.
Invalid Amount
The transaction amount is under the minimum of $1. The user should advise that the minimum order amount is $1.