Wix Multilingual: Verifying Your Multilingual Subdomains and Submitting Sitemaps with Google Search Console

2 min read
Help Google find and index your site with the Google Search Console. Verify your subdomains and submit sitemaps to give Google's search engine better information about your site. You can also view search metrics for each subdomain you add to the console. 

Verifying Your Multilingual Subdomains

Verifying your multilingual subdomains with Google Search Console identifies you as the owner of your subdomains. Verifying also tells Google the subdomains are active and helps show your site is trustworthy. 
You need to verify your site before you can verify a subdomain. If you experience any difficulties, click here

To verify your subdomain:

  1. Go to Google Search Console
  2. Click Start now
  3. Click in the URL Prefix text field and enter your full subdomain URL (for example https://fr.mystunningwebsite.com).
If you don't see the URL Prefix text field, click the Add property drop-down to the left and select Add property. 
4. Click Continue
If your subdomain doesn't verify and you have already verified your site, try again in one hour as your subdomain's records may need time to propagate. Learn more

Submitting Your Multilingual Subdomain's Sitemap

A sitemap is a file of your site's pages, links and other information that helps Google read and index your site. Each subdomain has its own dedicated sitemap that needs to be submitted to Google individually.
You can check your subdomain's sitemap in the address bar by adding /sitemap.xml to the end of your subdomain, e.g. fr.mystunningwebsite.com/sitemap.xml. 
Each language's sitemap lists the subdomain URLs for that language, i.e. French URLs will be listed under the French sitemap. 

To submit your subdomain sitemap:

  1. Go to Google Search Console
  2. Select your subdomain from the Search property drop-down.
  1. Select Sitemaps from the left side panel. 
  2. Type sitemap.xml after your subdomain in the text field.  
  1. Click Submit.

Repeat these steps to submit a sitemap for each multilingual subdomain. 
Use your Google Search Console to gain insights on your website analytics. Learn more.

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