Wix Enterprise: Adding and Setting Up Salesforce Integration

5 min read
Connect your Wix site to your Salesforce account so you always have the most up-to-date information. Using our automations, you can send data like store orders and form submissions to Salesforce, as soon as they're captured in Wix.
Creating an automation that updates Salesforce

Step 1 | Add and connect Salesforce

Get started by installing the Salesforce app in Wix. Then, connect your Salesforce account to Wix to begin passing your data.
Already connected to Salesforce?
Skip to step 2. 

To add and connect Salesforce:

  1. Get the Salesforce app: 
    1. Go to the Wix App Market.
    2. Search for the Salesforce Integration app. 
    3. Click Add to Site
  2. Connect your Wix site to Salesforce:
    1. Go to your site's dashboard.
    2. Click Salesforce on the left.
    3. Click Connect under Authorize Salesforce
    4. Enter your Salesforce credentials and click Log In
    5. Click Allow
When connecting your Salesforce account, you are providing permissions for Wix to access your spreadsheet data. You can remove permissions at any time from your Salesforce account.
Connecting Salesforce to a Wix site from the Salesforce tab in the dashboard

Step 2 | Create an automation

Once you have connected your Salesforce account, you can now create an automation with Salesforce as the action. 

To create an automation:

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click + New Automation
  3. Click + Start from Scratch.
  4. Give your automation a title and choose the relevant app under Trigger:
    • Wix Forms
    • Wix Stores
    • Wix Bookings
    • Wix Events
  5. Set up the trigger based on the app you selected.
Setting a Wix Stores trigger for a Salesforce automation

Step 3 | Map data from the trigger to Salesforce

Next, you need to match the data from your chosen trigger to the relevant Salesforce entity and fields. This ensures the data from Wix gets to the right place on Salesforce.
For example, if your trigger is a new store order, you will need to match the customer's data to the relevant entity fields in Salesforce.

To map data from the trigger to Salesforce:

  1. Scroll down to Action and select Update Salesforce.
  2. Select the relevant entity from the Select which entity to update in Salesforce drop-down. 
  3. Click Map Fields
  4. Choose the relevant pieces of Wix data under Data from trigger, so the right Salesforce fields get updated.
  5. Click Save.
Mapping fields related to a Wix Stores order, and matching them with relevant salesforce fields

Step 4 | Activate automation

Click Activate to make your automation live. Now, every time the automation is triggered (e.g. whenever a new store order is placed), the data you mapped from Wix will be updated in the relevant Salesforce fields. 
For example, if you created an automation with a form submission trigger, every time a site visitor fills in that form, their submission details are sent to the relevant Salesforce entity and fields. 
Activating the Salesforce automation


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