Wix Editor: Recommended Og:Image Size

1 min
The following recommendations are taken from Facebook Sharing Best Practices, but are relevant for all og:images.

We recommend:

  • Og:images should have an aspect ratio of 1.91:1. This means that the width should be 1.9 X the height to avoid cropping issues.
  • Your image shouldn't be larger than 8MB.
  • Image size should be 1200 X 630 pixels (px). 
    • The minimum size is 200 x 200 px, however, we recommend keeping it to 600 x 315 px. 
    • If your image is smaller than 600 x 315 pixels, it will appear as a small image in the link preview.
If you recently updated your og:image, we recommend entering your site URL in Facebook debugger so that your site information is up to date. 

If you are using a different social network:
If you share blog posts or URLs on Whatsapp, the image preview will only be displayed if the image is under 300 KB.