Wix Donations: An Overview

2 min read
In this article
  • Create campaigns for your cause
  • Customize how donors can give
  • Design your donation form to match your cause
  • Getting started
Use Wix Donations to raise funds for your cause. Create as many campaigns as you need, and then display the donation forms anywhere on your site. 
Screenshot of a sample Wix Donations campaign

Create campaigns for your cause

You can create just one global campaign that lets site visitors send you donations. Alternatively, create multiple campaigns to let donors give money to the specific issues they connect to.
For example, an animal rescue shelter might want to create separate campaigns for dogs and cats, or maybe a campaign to raise money for a shelter renovation. 
There's also the option of creating a temporary campaign, such as a March Donation Drive, that you remove from your site when the month is over.

Customize how donors can give

When you set up your campaign, you can choose how site visitors send you funds. You can enable just one-time donations or add recurring donations that happen weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Screenshot of the donation form creation screen showing the frequency settings
To accept recurring payments from donors, set up a payment method that supports recurring payments.
You can also decide which suggested amounts you display and whether you want to let donors enter their own amount.
Screenshot of the donation form creation screen showing the amount settings

Design your donation form to match your cause

Customize the design of your donation forms to match your site and cause. Select the text fonts and colors, change the background color of the form and fields, design the donate button, and more.
Screenshot of a site with a Wix donation form displayed

Getting started

To build campaigns for your organization and start collecting donations, go to the Wix App Market and add the Wix Donations app.