Wix Bookings: Requiring Approval for Appointment Bookings

3 min read
Ask clients to send you booking requests rather than allowing them to book appointments immediately. This lets you to take control of your schedule, outside of class and course hours, each day.
You receive a notification when someone wants to book an appointment. You can then accept or decline the request or suggest a different time. Your client then receives your response.  
Clients can only request to book appointments, not classes or courses.
In this article, learn more about:

Enabling approval for appointment bookings

Keep control of your schedule each day by requiring approval for your appointments. This way you can take on as many clients as you can manage in a given day.
  • Clients cannot pay online for appointments which require your approval.  
  • This option is available only if the service is not connected to a membership plan or a package.

To enable approval for appointments:

  1. Go to Booking Services in your site's dashboard.
  2. Select an existing appointment or click Add a New Service to create a new one. 
  3. At the bottom, click  next to Additional Settings.
  4. Enable the Online Booking Preferences toggle.
  5. Select Manually approve or decline booking requests.
  6. Click the Multiple clients can request the same time slot toggle:
    • Enabled: When a client sends a booking request for a certain day and time, the time slot remains available until you approve the booking. 
    • Disabled: When a client sends a booking request for a certain day and time, the time slot becomes unavailable.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Save at the top to update your appointment preferences. 

How clients make a booking request

When clients view an appointment service, they see a "Request to Book" button instead of a "Book Now" button. 
After selecting a date and time and completing the booking form, your client confirms the request to book. They then receive an email that their request was submitted. 
Clients can not pay online for appointments that require approval. 

Responding to requests

When you receive an appointment request, you get notified via email and in your dashboard. The pending appointment also appears in your booking calendar so you can see if it works with the rest of your schedule. 

To respond to a request:

  1. Go to Booking Calendar in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the pending appointment. 
  3. Select an option:
    • To approve the request: Click Approve.
    • To make changes before approving:
      1. Click Approve With Reschedule.
      2. Change the staff member, date, or time of the booking.
      3. (Optional) Enter a note to yourself (not visible to the client). 
      4. Select or deselect the Notify participant with an email checkbox.
        • (When selected) Add a message to your client explaining why the booking details were changed.
      5. Click Save Changes.
    • To decline the request:  
      1. Click the Decline button.
      2. Select or deselect the Notify client with an email checkbox. 
        • (When selected) Add a message to your client explaining why the booking was declined.
      3. Click Yes, Decline Session.
What's next?
As soon as you approve or decline an appointment booking request, your client receives an email informing them about the status of the booking. 
If you customize the text of emails sent to clients, the updated text isn't sent for appointments that require approval.

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