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Understanding How Wix Processes Payments for Our Services

2 min read
In this article
  • Consolidated payments
  • Pre-date charging
  • Automatic card updates
  • Renewal of subscriptions purchased during a sale
Wix offers a range of billing and payment options to help you enjoy our premium services. 
When we charge for subscriptions, we may process your payment in a way to make it easier for you to manage your transactions and to ensure uninterrupted service to your site. You may see a single payment to Wix for multiple services, or be charged in advance of your renewal date. This article explains some of the different ways Wix processes your payments for Wix services.

Consolidated payments

We may consolidate your recurring payments for different products or services into one charge. This is based on your purchase history, and avoids processing multiple charges to your card. 
For example, if you have recurring payments for a combination of Premium or Studio plans, domains, business emails, or paid apps, we may charge your card for all of these services in one transaction. 

Pre-date charging

To ensure that there is no interruption to your service, we attempt to process your renewal payment before your plan's expiry date. Depending on your service or subscription, you may be charged on a monthly, annual, or 2-3 year basis.
Wix's pre-date charging works as follows:
  • Premium or Studio plans:
    • Monthly plans: Same date as the expiry date
    • Yearly plans: 14 days prior to your plan's expiry date (anniversary of your purchase)
  • Third-party apps: Same date as the expiry date
  • Domains: 30 days prior to the expiry date
  • Business Emails: 30 days prior to the expiry date
If the charge is unsuccessful, we attempt the transaction again to ensure continuity of service. 
Want to change your billing cycle?

Automatic card updates

We may automatically update your saved card information if the expiry date or card number changes. This ensures a secure and uninterrupted service, and allows us to process your renewal charges even if your card has expired.
Wix is notified of changes to card information by participating banks though Visa and MasterCard account updater services. Similar services may also be supported by other card providers. Learn more about account updater services.

Renewal of subscriptions purchased during a sale

From time-to-time Wix offers even better value with sales on our upgrade plans and other premium products and services. 
Sale prices are valid for the first year of service only. If you have purchased a plan or subscription during a sale, subsequent renewals will be charged at the standard rate.