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Tracking Events in Wix Bookings Using Meta Pixel

1 min read
Wix automatically sends events to Facebook about your Wix Bookings services on your site. Using the Meta pixel, you can track events on your site such as views and purchases for each service you offer. Connect your site to get started. 
The events you see in your Facebook account are:
  • View Content: When a visitor views a service page.
  • Initiate Checkout: When a visitor clicks on the "Book Now" button.
  • Select Date: After the user selects a date for his service.
  • Add Payment Info: After the visitor added his payment information.
  • Purchase: When a visitor books a service and is taken to the "Thank-you" page.

To see the event data in Facebook:

  1. Sign into your Facebook account. 
  2. Click Ads Manager, located in the top left corner. 
  3. Click Events Manager.