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Studio Editor: Saving, Previewing and Publishing Your Site

3 min read
In this article
  • Saving a site
  • Accessing your site's saved versions
  • Previewing a site
  • Publishing a site
In the Studio Editor, sites are automatically saved so you never have to worry about losing your changes. However, you can always manually save the site you're working on. 
Finished working on a design? Use the preview mode to see how it looks on each breakpoint. You can then decide whether to publish or continue editing. 

Saving a site

Studio Editor sites are saved automatically, after every change you make. However, you can save a site manually, whenever you wish. 

To manually save a site:

  1. Click the Wix Studio icon  at the top left.
  2. Hover over Site.
  3. Click Save.
Saving a site in the Studio Editor
What's next?
Once you save a site, an indication appears at the top left of the Editor. It also appears every time the site is auto-saved. 

Accessing your site's saved versions

Your site history is a record of every time that you (or someone working on the site) has saved or published. Access the site history to check when a change was made, who performed the change or to restore a previous version.

To access previous site versions:

  1. Click the Wix Studio icon  at the top left.
  2. Hover over Site.
  3. Click Site History.
A screenshot of the site history option in the menu at the top left of the Studio Editor

Previewing a site

As you're working on a site in the Studio Editor, you can see how it will look live, across all breakpoints. The preview shows the site on your current screen size, but you can change it to test the responsiveness of your design.

To preview a site:

  1. Click the Preview icon  at the top right.
  2. View the site on different screen sizes by doing one of the following:
    • Click the screen size drop-down at the top to select a different device.
    • Define the width and height of the screen in pixels. 
    • Drag the handles to increase or decrease the width. 
  3. Click Edit Site to continue editing, or Publish to make your changes live.      
GIF showing how you can drag the resize handles in preview mode to view your site on different screensizes.
If you want to preview a different site page, select the page from the drop-down at the top left.

Publishing a site

Click Publish at the top right of the Editor to make your changes live.
A screenshot showing the location of the Publish button at the top right of the Editor
If you're publishing a site for the first time, it gets a URL that makes it officially live on the web. The web address depends on whether it's a free site or a site that was upgraded:  
  • Free site: https://accountname.wixstudio.io/site-name
  • Premium: The site can get its own domain (e.g. mystunningwebsite.com), whether it's purchased from Wix or connected from another host. 
Saving a site in the Studio Editor
A screenshot of the site history option in the menu at the top left of the Studio Editor
GIF showing how you can drag the resize handles in preview mode to view your site on different screensizes.
A screenshot showing the location of the Publish button at the top right of the Editor