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Studio Editor: Adding an HTML iFrame Element

3 min
In this article
  • Embedding code or a site
  • Adjusting the sizing of the displayed content
  • Guidelines and limitations
  • Guidelines
  • Limitations
Display visual content from external servers and other sources in an HTML iFrame. Create a weather widget, a stock widget, a calendar or any other custom element that comes to mind. You can either embed a code snippet or an external URL. 
Example of a weather widget on a Studio Editor site, embedded using the HTML iFrame

Embedding code or a site

Add an iFrame to your client's site directly from the Add Elements panel. Choose whether you want to embed code or a site, then paste your code / the web address so it appears in the iFrame.
Make sure to read our guidelines and limitations before embedding your code. 

To add an HTML iFrame:

  1. Click Add Elements  on the left side of the editor.
  2. Click Embed & Social.
  3. Select an element to add it to the page, then follow the relevant steps below:
Screenshot showing the Studio Editor, embedding a website address in the iFrame element.

Adjusting the sizing of the displayed content

Embedded elements often include pre-defined width and height in pixels, defined by the service they were acquired from, as in the example below: 
1<iframe width="560" height="315" 
2       src="https://www.wix.com/studio/academy" 
3        frameborder="0">
These settings could potentially crop the content if the iFrame container (on the canvas) is smaller than 560 px * 315 px. To ensure the content does not get cropped, replace the px values with percentage units and set them to 100% as shown below: 
1<iframe width="100%" height="100%" 
2       src="https://www.wix.com/studio/academy" 
3        frameborder="0">
Editing embedded code in the Studio Editor, changing the width and height in the code to 100%

Guidelines and limitations

Read the following guidelines and limitations to learn how to properly embed code into the HTML iFrame, whether it's a website address or custom code. 


  • Make sure that your code contains HTTPS, not HTTP, or it will not be displayed on your live site.
  • Always make sure the code you are embedding is up to date and HTML5 compatible. Most browsers don't display pages and scripts properly if they were written using older versions of HTML.
  • HTML code contains the core elements of the page, but the design settings and other complex functionalities are usually stored separately. Therefore, some elements may not function or look the same if the relevant elements aren’t included as a reference within the HTML code, for example the CSS and JS files.
  • If you are not sure how to use the target attribute, read about it here or contact the code creator.


Code within the HTML element is displayed on your client's site within a sandboxed iFrame. Using a sandbox protects visitors from potential side effects of custom code.
Usually, a sandboxed iFrame blocks the following:
  • Using Browser APIs 
  • Content using plugins (via <embed>, <object>, <applet>, or other) 
  • Automatically triggered features (such as automatically playing a video or automatically focusing a form control)
However, we have re-enabled the following abilities for your custom code according to the W3C specifications
Re-enables third-party site scripts/content
Re-enables form submission
Re-enables popups
Re-enables custom JavaScript code
Re-enables grabbing the cursor