Site Members: Customizing the Member Login Form

2 min read
The login form lets site members access their accounts. Instead of just using the default login form, you can choose to give your members a more customized experience by choosing to create a custom login form. 
An example of a custom member login form

To customize the design of the member login form:

Wix Editor
Studio Editor
  1. Click Pages & Menu  on the left side of the editor.
  2. Click Signup & Login.
  3. Change the default login form to custom:
    1. Click Member Login Form (Default)
    2. Choose Custom Form from the drop-down under Which member login form do your visitors see?
    3. Click Add to Site.
  4. Click any element on the form to customize it.
Add a custom login form to a Wix Editor site
Click an element in the form to access the custom toolbar for that specific element. Here you can customize things like, settings, layout, and design, etc.

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