Facebook Ads: Targeting More People with Your Ads

3 min
In this article
  • Change the age range or gender
  • Change the location
  • Choose the right interests
Wix’s AI is always hard at work, running tests on your ad. This allows it to redefine your audience and get more paying customers to your site. There are a few things you can do too, to help your ad reach the right people. 

Change the age range or gender

The age range and gender you define helps Wix’s AI understand who your products would be most suited for. If your age range is too narrow, you may want to consider widening it. Maybe you initially thought that your earrings were only interesting to people in their 20s. If your ad isn't getting enough clicks, try broadening that - maybe people in their 30s and 40s might like those earrings too! 

Sometimes, the age range for your ad may be too broad. You may be trying to target people who wouldn’t necessarily buy your product. A store selling luxury designer scarves for example, shouldn’t target college students aged 18-24, since they probably don’t have the disposable income to afford this type of product. 

Change the location

Online stores have a unique advantage over brick and mortar stores - people can shop from anywhere. But when it comes to selecting the location of your target audience, there are a few factors you need to consider. 
1. Where do you ship to?
Targeting potential customers all over the US is a great way to get more site visitors, but unless you ship to every state, you may find that a lot of these visitors don’t complete their purchase. 

2. Do you accept multiple currencies/payment methods?
Adding a lot of locations to your ad can net you more views. However, some customers won’t be able to complete their purchase, either because you don’t accept their currency, or you’re not connected to a payment method that meets their needs. Also, as mentioned above, you may not be able to ship to their location.
Note: Facebook Ads with Wix allows one currency per store.

3. Are there local government restrictions on products you offer?
A product that sells well locally, or even nationally, may seem like a jumping off point for store owners. After all, if people in your region like it, others probably will too. However, you need to be aware of restrictions that some governments may have on certain products when choosing your audience’s location. Targeting potential shoppers who can’t legally buy your products is not a good idea. 

Choose the right interests

You know your customers better than anyone else. So when picking which interests to use in your Facebook ad, make sure you cover what your customers like. Add hobbies they may have, or things you think they like. Try to think of each interest as a key phrase. If you were describing in 2 or 3 words what your customers or potential customers, cared about, what would those words be? When you pick the right words, Wix’s AI will have a better understanding of exactly who you want to target and the types of people most likely to spend in your online store. 

Here’s an example: an online pet store. This store offers all types of pet accessories from collars to chew toys, leashes and hamster wheels. As a store owner, you know that your customers are interested in pet-related items. So some of the interests you’ll add could include: 
  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Pets
  • Rodents
  • Chew toys
  • Pet accessories

Now, think beyond traditional interests. What other interests might these pet owners have? How about:
  • Dog training
  • Cat grooming
  • Pet dentistry

It can be tough to know whether the interests you’re picking are too broad or too niche. So when you think about the interests, be sure to get a clear view of what your potential shoppers like, and what they're willing to spend money on.