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Editing Orders

6 min
In this article
  • Editing order details
  • Editing customer details
  • FAQs
This article is relevant for Wix Stores, Wix Bookings, and Wix Restaurants Orders (New) orders.
Customers sometimes make a mistake when placing an order or simply want to make a change after completing checkout. To handle these cases, you can edit existing orders. 
You cannot edit orders containing a store subscription, or orders that were already partly or fully refunded.

Editing order details

You can make changes to the items in an order after the order was placed. For example, you can add items to a sale, remove items, update prices, update a customer's details, add a discount, and more.

To edit order details:

  1. Go to Orders in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant order.
  3. Click More Actions.
  4. Select Edit order.
  5. Choose what you want to edit:

Editing customer details

Your customers' details, such as their email and shipping addresses, appear on the right side of the order. 
You can change your customer's name, address, or email. If you added extra fields to the checkout, such as contact person, these details can be edited as well.
Screenshot of the customer details in an order
Click the customer's name to view all of their interactions with your site (e.g. messages, previous orders). You can also click the message icon  to contact them.

To edit customer details:

  1. Go to Orders in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the relevant order.
  3. Click the Edit icon  at the top right.
  4. Choose what you want to change:
    • Shipping address:
      1. Select Edit shipping address.
      2. Edit any of the information.
      3. Click Save.
    • Email address:
      1. Select Edit email address.
      2. Enter a new email address.
      3. Click Update.


Click a question below to learn more.
Screenshot of the customer details in an order