Default SEO Settings for Products in Wix Stores
2 min read
Wix adds default SEO & Social Share settings for each of your products in order to drive potential customers to your store. These settings are based on common best practices for SEO tags as well as your product's details.
Meta Tag Name | Definition | Default Settings |
SEO Title | The title that appears in the page's search result. | <title></title> The default is your page name followed by your current home page title. |
SEO Description | The description that appears in the page's search result (below the title and URL). | <meta name=”description” content=” “/> The default description is blank until you enter a custom one. |
Page URL | The page URL that appears in the search result. | The default is your page URL, based on the first name you gave your page |
Show/Hide from Search Results | Indicates to search engines whether they should crawl and index the page or not. | Show: <meta name=”robots” content=”index”> Hide: <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”> All pages are indexed by default unless you hide them from search results. |
Canonical | The primary URL for the product page when there are multiple versions. Learn More | <link rel="canonical" href=""> |
Social Title (og:title) | The title of your product page when it's shared on social networks. | <meta property=”og:title” content=” “/> The default is your current Page SEO Title. |
Social Description (og:description) | The description of your product page when it's shared on social networks. | <meta property=”og:description” content=” “/> The default is your current Page SEO Description. |
Social Image (og:image) | The image that appears when your product is shared on social networks. | <meta property=”og:image” content=” “/> By default, there is no image unless you have already added a social image for the entire site. |
og:url | Your product page's URL when it is shared on social media. | <meta property="og:url" content="{product-name}"> |
og:type | Describes the page's type when it is shared on social media (e.g. a product page, blog post, video, etc). | <meta property="og:type" content="product" /> The default tag we add indicates it is a product available for purchase. |
og:site_name | The site name that appears when your product is shared on social media. | <meta property="og:site_name" content="{your-site-name}"> |
product:availability | Indicates if the product is currently in stock. | In stock: <meta property="product:availability" content="instock"> Out of stock: <meta property="product:availability" content="out of stock"> |
product:price:amount | Displays the product's price in search engine results. | <meta property="product:price:amount" content="{price}"> |
product:price:currency | Displays the currency of your product price. | <meta property="product:price:currency" content="{currency (e.g. USD)}"> |