Branded App: Setting Up an Automated Push Notification

5 min read
This feature is currently only available if you are using Wix Groups with your branded app.
Create an automation that sends a push notification to your branded app users when they perform a specific action. The notification appears on their device lock screens. Customize the push notification message and choose what happens when someone taps the notification. 
If you have Wix Stores or Wix Bookings on your site, you can set the push notification to open a specific product or service page. For example, send a push notification to everyone who attended your yoga class with a product link to a yoga mat they can purchase from your online store.
This action is only available if you have a Branded App Premium plan and your app is live in the App Store and Google Play Store.
An image of a phone lock screen with a push notification from Breez yoga that says 'Your yoga class is coming up soon.'

Step 1 | Create an automation with 'send a push notification' as the action

The first step is to create a new automation. Choose a trigger that works for your business, such as every time a store order is placed, or when an invoice is overdue. When you select an action for your automation, choose 'send push notification.'

To create an automation with the push notification action:

  1. Go to Automations in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click + New Automation in the top right corner.
  3. Click + Start from Scratch.
  4. Name your automation and choose a trigger (e.g. when someone books an online session via your app). Learn more about choosing a trigger for your automation.
  5. Under the Actions drop-down, click Send a push notification.
A screenshot of creating a new automation for booking an online session with send a push notification selected as the action.

Step 2 | Customize your push notification message

Choose the title and message that appears on members' devices once they trigger the automation. Keep your message short and sweet, and make it clear what will open if someone taps the push notification. You can also add dynamic text (e.g. First Name) to further personalize the notification for each person who receives it.

To customize your push notification message:

  1. Enter the notification title that appears above the main message.
  2. (Optional) Click + Add Dynamic Value under Notification title to add personalization. Any dynamic values appear in bold at the top of your notification. The available dynamic values depend on the apps you have installed.
What is a dynamic value?
Dynamic values are pieces of code that display different information to each user based on their data. Dynamic values can show your app members personalized text (e.g. their name) or information related to your business (e.g. service title, start date).

For example, adding the dynamic values "Hi {Contact First Name}, thanks for booking a place on our {Service Title} course" will display a notification such as "Hi Jane, thanks for booking a place on our Yoga for Beginners course."
A screenshot of composing the push notification message including adding a dynamic value of Contact First Name to the title.
  1. Enter the push notification message. You can add up to 200 characters. Keep your message clear and concise since it appears on smaller device lock screens. You can also click + Add Dynamic Value under Message to add dynamic values to the main message text.

Step 3 | Set the push notification action

Once you've written the message, decide what happens when someone taps the push notification. Choose to send app users to your app's home screen or a specific item or service (e.g. the course page of the class they've booked). You can also send yourself a test notification to preview what it looks like on user's screens.

To set the push notification action:

  1. Choose an option under Set the notification action to decide what opens when visitors or members tap the push notification:
    • Home screen: Your app's home screen opens.
    • An item: A specific product or service opens.
      Note: You must have Wix Stores and/or Wix Bookings to your site to open a product or service page.
      1. Click the Category drop-down to select the vertical (e.g. Wix Stores, Wix Bookings).
      2. Click the Item drop-down to select the product or service page. The list populates based on the products or services you've created.
  1. (Optional): Send yourself a test notification to view what the push notification looks like on app visitors or members' devices. Click Send Test Notification to send the push notification to your device.
To receive a test notification, your app must be live in the Google Play Store and the App Store. You must have your branded app downloaded on your device and you must have enabled notifications for this app.

Step 4 | Choose the timing and activate the automation

The final step is to set up the automation's timing and activate it. You can track the new automation from the Automations dashboard to see how many times it was triggered.

To choose the timing and activate the automation:

  1. Click the Timing drop-down to expand it.
  2. Choose whether you want the push notification to be sent immediately after the automation is triggered, or set a custom time. Learn more about choosing the timing of your automation.
  3. Click Activate to publish your automation.
The new automation appears on your Automations dashboard under the Created by you tab. If the automation status is set to Active it means it's live. From here you can also edit, deactivate or delete it.
A screenshot of the automations dashboard with the new push notification automation Active in the Created by you tab.


Click a question below to learn more about notification for your branded app.

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