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Access all of Your 1099-K Forms

2 min read
Wix Payments reports your gross payments to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using a 1099-K form, as long as you meet the federal requirements.
There are a number of reasons why you may receive more than one 1099-K form from Wix. Reasons can be related to your Wix Payments account configuration, changes to your account type, or the number of accounts in use within the previous tax year.
Receiving multiple 1099-Ks
Likely reasons
For the same website
For different websites
  • Each site was set up with Wix Payments, and each site individually earned enough gross payments to meet the IRS or state threshold for a 1099-K.
  • Each site was set up with a Wix Payments account using the same Tax ID, and the sum of payments earned across all accounts meets the IRS or state threshold for a 1099-K.
    Note: The IRS assesses your online payments based on your Tax ID. As such, Wix Payments accounts sharing a single Tax ID are considered collectively.
    Therefore, while you may receive multiple 1099-Ks that seem to be below the assessment threshold, together they are deemed eligible. 
If you receive multiple 1099-K forms, you'll need to consider the gross payments on each to understand the total gross payments you’ve made through Wix Payments.

To view 1099-K forms from Wix Payments:

  1. Sign in to your Wix account on desktop.
  2. Go to Wix Payments Accounts in your dashboard.
  3. Locate the relevant account(s).
  4. Click View.
  5. Click Tax Documents.
  6. Click View on the relevant 1099-K.
viewing a 1099-k,
You can expect your 1099-K form(s) for the preceding year to be available in the first quarter of the new year.
viewing a 1099-k,