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Accepting Contactless Payments

3 min read
In this article
  • Step 1 | Create a Wix Payments account
  • Step 2 | Enable Tap to Pay on iPhone in the dashboard
  • Step 3 | Activate Tap to Pay on your phone
  • FAQs
Tap to Pay on iPhone lets you accept payment on your phone without connecting any external hardware. Customers can either tap a credit/debit card directly on your phone or use their own phones to pay you. 
A screenshot showing two people using tap to pay on their mobile devices.
Tap to Pay is currently available for iPhones with:
  • The 15.5 operating system or higher
  • The iPhone XR model or later

Step 1 | Create a Wix Payments account

If you don't already have one, start by creating and verifying a Wix Payments account.

Step 2 | Enable Tap to Pay on iPhone in the dashboard

Once you have Wix Payments set up, you can enable Tap to Pay in your site's dashboard.

To enable Tap to Pay:

  1. Go to Accept Payment in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the Tap to Pay on iPhone to enable it.

Step 3 | Activate Tap to Pay on your phone

Now you're ready to activate Tap to Pay on iPhone on your mobile device. You may be prompted to connect your Apple ID. When you do, your business name and type is shared with your Apple ID.

To activate Tap to Pay:

  1. Go to your site in the Wix app.
  2. Tap Manage  at the bottom.
  3. Tap Point of Sale under Getting Paid.
  4. Tap the Connect iconat the top right.
A screenshot showing the connect icon in the point of sale section on the wix app.
  1. Tap Tap to Pay on iPhone.
  2. Tap Activate


Click a question below to learn more about Tap to Pay.
A screenshot showing two people using tap to pay on their mobile devices.
A screenshot showing the connect icon in the point of sale section on the wix app.