About Conversion Tracking

2 min read
In this article
  • Streamline your data management with Google Analytics
  • Use custom code to track conversions with precision
  • Enhance your tracking capabilities with Google Tag Manager
  • Make data-driven decisions with enhanced conversions
A conversion occurs when a website visitor completes an action you want them to take, such as buying something, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter. Tracking these conversions is crucial for measuring the success of your Google Ads campaigns.
Conversion tracking is a powerful tool for understanding how visitors interact with your Wix site. It allows you to see which ads and marketing efforts are driving valuable actions, such as purchases, sign-ups, or any other goals you set. By implementing conversion tracking, you can optimize your advertising budget, measure return on investment, make data-driven decisions, and identify weak spots on your website.

Streamline your data management with Google Analytics

Connecting Google Ads to your Google Analytics account enables you to track all your conversions from a single interface. This simplifies the process of turning any Wix event into a conversion, importing it to Google Ads, and using the data to monitor and analyze the performance of your marketing efforts.
By managing data in this way, you can target and measure user engagement more precisely, which helps you to optimize advertising campaigns. 

Use custom code to track conversions with precision

Implementing custom code for Google Ads conversions in Wix grants you personalized and precise control over your conversion tracking efforts. Custom code allows you to tailor the conversion tracking to your specific needs, beyond standard events. This means you can track conversions that are most relevant to your business model and marketing goals.
Wix supports conversions for both leads and purchases, which can help you to identify trends and optimize campaigns based on user interactions. This ultimately leads to more effective advertising strategies through informed decision-making based on accurate data.

Enhance your tracking capabilities with Google Tag Manager

Tracking conversions using Google Tag Manager lets you set up variables, triggers, and tags that use the Conversion ID and Label ID of the action you want to track. For example, a visitor might finalize a purchase after clicking an ad. This makes it easier to implement and update conversion tracking without modifying your site's code.
By setting up conversions through Google Tag Manager for Google Ads, you gain a comprehensive, flexible, and accurate tracking solution that empowers you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising efforts and optimize them for better performance.

Make data-driven decisions with enhanced conversions

Gain deeper insights into your customers' behaviors and actions, leading to improved reporting at a granular level which enables you to make data-driven decisions. Enhanced conversions enable more precise tracking by securely sending hashed first-party data to Google Ads. This is particularly beneficial for cross-device and cross-browser interactions.
Enhanced conversions provide you with a holistic view of the customer journey, and helps match your conversions to ad interactions more effectively. For example, if you run an online store, using enhanced conversions can help you track customer actions such as clicks and device usage more precisely, leading to better targeted ads.