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Wix Stores: Setting Up Free Shipping Above a Set Price

2 min
We're in the process of rolling out new shipping settings. If you have a Create Region button instead of Add Region, then you have the new version. Learn how to set up free shipping above a set price with the new settings.
You can offer your customers free shipping every time they make a purchase above a certain price. 

To offer free shipping above a set price:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Set up a Flat Rate shipping rule. Learn how
    • Set up a Rate by Weight shipping rule.  Learn how
    • Set up a Rate by Product shipping rule. Learn how
  2. After setting your rates, click the Offer Free Shipping on orders above a specific subtotal checkbox.
  3. Enter the price above which shipping is free.
If you set up additional shipping services (e.g. Express Shipping), select the checkbox and amount for each shipping service you create:
Want to learn more?
Check out the full Wix Learn course on getting started with Wix eCommerce. Skip to the fourth video to learn more about setting up shipping.