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Site Members: Offering Exclusive Content to Your Members

7 min
In this article
  • Restricting pages to specific member roles
  • Restricting pages to members with pricing plans
  • Restricting pages to members with badges
  • Allowing customers to access their private information
As the Members Area is login protected, you can use it to share exclusive content with members only, and also allow your members to share their own content with other members. This is a great way to keep your customers loyal and make them feel part of a community. 

Restricting pages to specific member roles

Allow certain members to have access to specific member pages. For example, you may run a yoga studio and want to create pages just for the students, and also pages just for the teachers. 
Before you begin:
Create member roles and assign them to different members. 

To restrict pages to specific member roles:

Wix Editor
Studio Editor
  1. Click Pages & Menu  on the left side of the editor.
  2. Hover over the relevant page and click the More Actions icon .
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the Permissions tab.
  5. Select Site Members under Who can access this page?
  6. Select Specific members under Which members can access this page?
  7. Enable the Members with roles toggle.
  8. Click Manage Roles and select the relevant role(s).
  9. Click Apply.
A screenshot showing how to change a page's permissions to Members only in the Wix Editor, limited to a custom role

Restricting pages to members with pricing plans

Restrict site pages to members who have purchased specific pricing plans. For example, if you're a teacher offering online courses, you can restrict the pages with the course material to members who have purchased the relevant pricing plan.
Before you begin:

To restrict pages to members with a pricing plan:

Wix Editor
Studio Editor
  1. Click Pages & Menu  on the left side of the editor.
  2. Hover over the relevant page and click the More Actions icon .
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the Permissions tab.
  5. Select Site Members under Who can access this page?
  6. Select Specific members under Which members can access this page?
  7. Enable the Members with plan subscriptions toggle. 
  8. Click Manage Plans and select the relevant plan(s).
  9. Click Apply.
Changing a page's permissions to Members only in the Wix Editor, limited to 2 specific pricing plans

Restricting pages to members with badges

Using badges to reward your members and make them stand out? Create exclusive pages for them. For example, if you have a blog with premium content, you can set permissions so it's only accessible by members with a 'Blog VIP' badge.
Before you begin:
Make sure you've enabled badge permissions in your site's dashboard for the relevant badge. If you do not enable them, the option to restrict page permissions by badge type will not appear. 

To restrict pages to members with badges:

Wix Editor
Studio Editor
  1. Click Pages & Menu  on the left side of the editor.
  2. Hover over the relevant page and click the More Actions icon .
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the Permissions tab.
  5. Select Site members under Who can access this page?
  6. Select Specific members under Which members can access this page?
  7. Enable the Members with badges toggle. 
  8. Click Manage Badges and select the relevant badge(s). 
  9. Click Apply.
Changing a page's permissions to Members only in the Wix Editor, limited to a specific badge

Allowing customers to access their private information

The Members Area interacts with many different business solutions, like Wix Stores or Wix Bookings. By signing up to your site, members get access to pages with all their previous info so they're encouraged to keep engaging. 
If you're using Wix Stores, for example, a My Orders page is automatically added to your Member's Area so customers can keep track of their previous purchases. Another example is the My Wallet page where members can view and update their credit cards.
A screenshot of a website with a My Wallet page in the member login menu.
A screenshot showing how to change a page's permissions to Members only in the Wix Editor, limited to a custom role
Changing a page's permissions to Members only in the Wix Editor, limited to 2 specific pricing plans
Changing a page's permissions to Members only in the Wix Editor, limited to a specific badge
A screenshot of a website with a My Wallet page in the member login menu.