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Wix Blog: Customizing Your Blog Post Page

5 min
In this article
  • Step 1 | Access the Blog Post page
  • Step 2 | Choose what elements to show on your post page
  • Step 3 | Customize the design of the post page
Customizing your Blog Post page allows you to tailor the look and feel of your blog posts to match your brand and engage your readers. The changes you make to your Post page settings are applied to all your blog posts. 
This means the font you select is the same font applied to all your blog posts. The same also applies for the information you select to display on a post. This helps create a cohesive and professional appearance for your blog, making it more appealing and easier to navigate.
A screenshot showing an example of a blog post page with information displayed.

Step 1 | Access the Blog Post page

Start by accessing the Blog Post page in your editor. 
Wix Editor
Studio Editor
  1. Go to your editor.
  2. Go to your Post page:
    1. Click Pages & Menu  on the left side of the editor.
    2. Click Blog Pages.
    3. Click Post.
  3. Click the Post Page element on your page.
A screenshot showing how to access the post page from the Pages & Menu tab on the left side of your editor.

Step 2 | Choose what elements to show on your post page

Next, choose exactly what info and elements to show on your post page. For example, you can show or hide information about the post, such as the author name and reading time. You can also choose which elements you want to include, such as the blog menu and sharing options.

To choose what elements you want to show:

  1. Click the Post page in your editor. 
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click the Display tab.
  4. Select or deselect the checkboxes to choose what shows on your post. 
  5. Scroll down and choose what you want to customize:

Step 3 | Customize the design of the post page

As the post page is a dynamic page, it means that the design you set here is used every time a reader opens one of your blog posts. Customize the fonts and colors to make sure it matches your site.
If you hide certain elements, design options for that element do not appear.

To customize the design of the post page:

  1. Click the Post page in your editor. 
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click the Design tab.
  4. Choose what you want to design: