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SEO Settings: Page SEO

3 min read
In this article
  • Preview on Google
  • URL slug
  • Title tag
  • Meta description
  • Let search engines index your page
Optimize your page SEO settings to improve your site visibility in search engines and social networks. Wix adds default SEO settings to each of your pages, like title tags and meta descriptions, which are based on common best practices. However, you can customize the settings at any time to suit your needs. 
Changes to your site, including edits you make to your page SEO settings, do not appear in search engine results right away. Learn More

Preview on Google

This is a preview of how potential visitors see your page in search results. You can adjust the page's title tag, URL, and meta description by customizing the fields in this tab. 

URL slug

Each page on your site has its own unique URL. You can customize the URL slug (the ending of the URL) for your page in the SEO Settings. 
Changing the URL also updates the page's OG and canonical URLs. 

To change your page's URL slug:

  1. Enter your custom URL slug under URL slug
  1. Click Save.
Changing a page's URL after publishing it will make search engines treat the new link as a brand new page. As a result, the old URL's SEO rankings will be lost. You can prevent this by setting up a 301 redirect from the previous link to the new one. Learn How

Title tag

A page's title tag is the first thing potential site visitors see when they find your page in search results. Your title tag should be clear and concise, including unique keywords that give an idea of what you do. 

To update your page's title tag:

  1. Enter your page title under Title tag
  1. Click Save.

Meta description

Your page's meta description appears below the title and URL in search results. The description should incorporate keywords and phrases related to the page in order to drive relevant users to your site. 

To update your page's meta description:

  1. Enter your page's description under Meta description
  1. Click Save.

Let search engines index your page

You can choose whether search engines can crawl and index your page or not. You can prevent search engines from indexing your page if you're still working on the content and don't want it in search results yet. 

To let search engines index your page:

  1. Click the Let search engines index your page toggle to set whether search engines can index your page or not: 
    • Enabled: Search engines will index your page. People can find your page when searching keywords and phrases in search engines.
    • Disabled: Search engines will not index your page. People cannot find your page when searching keywords and phrases in search engines.
  1. Click Save.