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Wix Video: Changing the Cover Image of a Video

2 min read
Grab your viewers' attention with an eye-catching cover image for your video. You can either upload a cover image, or choose a frame from the video itself. 
Supported files:
  • JPG, GIF, PNG are the supported file types. 
  • We recommend an image ratio of 16:9 and 1920 x 1080 pixels for JPG and PNG. 
  • For GIFs we recommend 960 x 480 pixels.  
  • A 15MB maximum applies to both images and GIFs.
  • Videos have a maximum support size of 100MB.

To change the cover image of a video:

  1. Go to Video Library in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the Edit icon next to the relevant video.
  3. Click Change cover under Cover Image.
  4. Select one of the suggested frames, or click the Add icon to upload an image.
  5. Click Set as Cover

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