Your Free Wix URL Appearing in Search Engine Results After Upgrading
1 min
When you publish your site for the first time, you automatically get a free Wix URL. The format of this URL is Search engines can include this URL in their search results after they crawl and index your site.
If you upgrade your site and connect your own domain, Wix automatically redirects any traffic going to your free Wix URL to your connected domain instead. The next time that search engines crawl your site, they detect your newly connected domain. This prompts the search engines to update their index for search results.
This process can take time, and your free Wix URL may appear in search results until the search engines recrawl your site.
Speeding up the recrawling process
You can prompt search engines to crawl your site by submitting your site's sitemap directly to them. You can use the Wix SEO Setup Checklist, or manually submit your sitemap yourself.
If you've already previously submitted your sitemap, you can try to speed up the crawling process by submitting your homepage's URL to search engines.