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Wix Policy for Repeat DMCA Infringement

2 min
Wix.com takes copyright violation very seriously and opposes any unauthorized infringement of intellectual property. To avoid the suspension or termination of your account, please read our policy carefully.
As explained in our Terms of Use, Wix respects the intellectual property rights of third parties. To uphold these rights, Wix may terminate or suspend the accounts of repeated copyright infringers.
It is our policy that you may not post content without appropriate permissions, or in a manner that violates third parties' copyrights or other intellectual property rights. If you do so, in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable laws, Wix may terminate or suspend your account. 

Circumstances for action may exist in the following cases:

  • If your site has been found (by a court of competent jurisdiction) to have infringed the copyrights of a third party on two or more occasions; or
  • In other cases of repeated clear abuse of usage of Wix Services (e.g., willful commercial piracy, or malicious attempts to destroy the value of copyrighted works); or
  • If we receive a notice of infringement and, as a result, content posted on your site is removed, it constitutes a copyright strike. If you get three copyright strikes for content in your account within a one-year period, your account may be terminated.
    • However, if you submit a counter-notification in response to the copyrights owner’s notice (within the timeframe and in the manner specified in our guidelines), and such counter-notice is not answered by the copyrights owner, we may cancel the respective strike. Likewise, if the copyright owner retracts their claim, we may withdraw the strike.
In addition, Wix reserves the right to terminate or suspend your account if Wix believes, in its sole judgment, that circumstances relating to the infringement of third party intellectual property rights justify such action.