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Wix Logo: Designing and Ordering Business Cards in the Wix Logo Maker

11 min
In this article
  • Step 1 | Select a card template
  • Step 2 | Customize your business card
  • Step 3 | Order your business card prints
  • Step 4 | (Optional) View your order history
Elevate your brand by creating personalized business cards with the Wix Logo Maker. Choose from a range of card templates and customize the content, font, colors, images and more to make it your own.
With the Wix Logo Maker, you can create as many business card designs as you want, and purchase them later. You'll find all your designs under your Brand Designs in the Brand Studio.
design examples,

Step 1 | Select a card template

Start off by selecting the brand you want to work on. Then, choose a template from our range of professional business card designs. 
  1. Go to the Brand Studio.
  2. Click the My Brands drop-down at the top.
  3. Select the relevant brand.
A screenshot of the My Brands drop-down.
  1. Scroll to the Design a branded business card section.
  2. Click Customize on the template you like best.
    Tip: Click Explore all to view more template suggestions.
designing a card,

Step 2 | Customize your business card

After choosing your card's template, you can start designing it from the business card editor. From this editor you can customize the card's text, image, color and more.
Click an option below to learn how to customize it:
design options,
You can press Ctrl + A or Cmd + A (if you're using a Mac) to select and group all the elements on your card, and move them around the canvas.

Step 3 | Order your business card prints

Once you've customized your card and you're happy with the design, you can order your physical cards through your dashboard. 
To order printed merchandise from the Logo Maker, you need to purchase the logo design first.

To order your business cards:

  1. Click Order Prints.
  2. Review Order a Print information and click OK to proceed.
  3. Click the Paper Type drop-down menu and select the paper thickness and finish you want.
  4. Click the Quantity drop-down menu and select how many cards you want to order (100, 250, or 500 cards).
  5. Click Add to Cart.
add to cart button,
  1. Click Continue to Checkout.
  2. Enter your shipping details and click Save & Continue.
  3. Confirm your payment method and click Submit Purchase.
Want to reorder previously printed cards?
If you submitted your initial order through the standalone business card maker, follow the steps below:
  1. Click Order History.
  2. Click View Items beside the relevant order.
  3. Click Order Again.
  4. Optional: Click Customize below the card preview to make any changes.

If you ordered business cards from the Logo Maker, rather than the separate business card maker, your designs will be saved within your associated brand where you can make any edits and submit new orders.

Step 4 | (Optional) View your order history

You can go back and review your order history at any time to check details such as your payment amount and order date. 

To view your order history:

  1. Click the Brand Actions drop-down.
  2. Click View Print Orders.
design examples,
A screenshot of the My Brands drop-down.
designing a card,
design options,
add to cart button,