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Wix Forms: Adding and Managing Rules

14 min
In this article
  • Creating new rules
  • Managing your form's rules
  • Troubleshooting form rules
  • FAQs
Rules improve the way you collect form information based on your visitor responses. Your visitor's input in one field in the form can determine if another field should be shown, hidden, required or optional.
Each rule includes a condition and an action: If your visitor fills a certain field or leaves it blank (condition), another field in your form reacts accordingly (action). You can also make your form react to a specific selection a visitor makes in a multiple-selection field.
A screenshot of conditional rules in a new form in the Wix site dashboard.

Creating new rules

Rules allow you to personalize the user experience. Customize the form based on user choices and create a tailored interaction for your visitors. For example, set up a rule whereby the visitor's selection on a specific field determines what field appears next. 

To create new rules for your form:

New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Click the relevant form in the editor. 
  2. Click Edit Form.
  3. Click the Rules icon  on the right.
  4. Click + Add Rule.
    Note: To enable Rules, your form must have a minimum of 2 fields.
  5. Fill out the sections:
6.  Click Save Rule.
7.  Click Save at the top right to save the form.
What's next?
Your rule is now saved. Publish these changes to ensure that the next user completing your form will see the updated rule.

Managing your form's rules

Your form's rules are saved in one place, so you can keep track and modify them as needed. If your form includes a lot of rules, use filters to quickly find the rule you want to check or edit. Reorder the rules so they're easier to work with and delete ones you no longer need.

To manage your form's rules:

New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Click the relevant form in the editor. 
  2. Click Edit Form.
  3. Click the Rules icon undefined on the right.
  4. Choose what to do:
Want to add more rules?
Click + Add Rule to add more rules to your form.
A screenshot of the conditional rules for a form.

Troubleshooting form rules

If your form's rules aren't working, review the rules and look for a solution below.

To troubleshoot your form's rules:

New Forms
Old Forms
  1. Click the relevant form in the editor. 
  2. Click Edit Form.
  3. Click the Rules icon  on the right and review the Conditional rules list.
  4. Look for a solution to the issue:
Test your form rules in the Preview tab at the top. 


Select a question to learn more about rules on your site.