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Wix Editor: Using a Shared App

1 min read
Developers can create complex components, called widgets, for you to use on their site. They package one or more widgets in an app, which they share with a link. 
Apps that are shared with you may have access to your site content. Only install apps that are from a reliable source. 
  1. Click the link or paste it into your browser. 
  2. Select the site to which you want to add the app. 

3.  In the Wix App Market panel, read the information about the app.
  • Wix does not review these shared apps, and isn't aware of or responsible for their content, functionality, security, performance, or privacy policy.
  • The shared app will have full access to your site's content and data, including your user's data stored on the site. This also includes any content and data that can be accessed using Velo by Wix, which is documented in detail here.