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Wix Contacts: Troubleshooting Contact Importing Issues

5 min
In this article
  • Troubleshooting specific issues and error messages
  • Troubleshooting file formatting issues
If you are having trouble importing contacts to your Wix account using a CSV file, see our solutions below. You may encounter different issues depending on how you have set up and saved your import file.

Troubleshooting specific issues and error messages

Experiencing issues during or after importing a file? Click an issue below to learn the possible cause and how to resolve it.

Troubleshooting file formatting issues

Re-saving your file and using the Wix sample file may solve issues that often occur when creating the CSV file in Numbers on Mac, Excel, or Google Sheets.
Common error messages resulting from this transition:
  • There is an empty field in the first row.
  • To continue, match the email or phone fields to the correct Wix Contact fields.
  • Unable to Download Your File. File must be spreadsheet in CSV format.
You may also notice that your file looks like this when you open it - your data is not separated into columns, but separated by a semicolon:
A screenshot of names and emails in a spreadsheet separated by a semicolon
Try any of the following to resolve formatting issues in your file:
A screenshot of names and emails in a spreadsheet separated by a semicolon