Wix Blog: Changing the Layouts of Your All Posts Feed and Category Feed

4 min read
You can customize the layouts of your All Posts feed and category feed in your blog. Choose how your posts are arranged, the size and positioning of your posts and images, and the loading style of your posts to give your blog that perfect look. 
A gif showing the different category layouts available.
  • You can have different layouts for your feeds. For example, you might choose a Side-by-Side style for your All Posts feed and the Editorial layout for your category feed.
  • When you select a category feed layout, it affects all your categories. 

To customize the layouts:

  1. Go to your Blog page in your Editor. 
  2. Click Pages and Menu  on the left side of the Editor.
  3. Click Blog Pages.
  4. Click Blog.
  5. Click the Wix Blog app in your Editor. 
  6. Click Settings
  7. Click the Layout tab.
  8. Click either the All Posts Feed tab or Category Feed tab.
A screenshot showing the layout tab
6.  Choose a layout from the options available.
Want to learn more?
Check out the full course in Wix Learn on building your blog. Skip to the second video to learn more about creating and designing your blog

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