Wix Automations: Activity Stats
2 min read
Once an automation is triggered, we increase the count of the 'Total triggered' statistics by 1 and update the date in the 'Last triggered' statistics.
However, there are some unique cases that affect these stats:
- Trigger filters: If the trigger is filtered, and the filter definitions are not met, the automation won’t be triggered and the trigger stats won't change.
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- Trigger once per person: If the automation is limited to 'Trigger once per person', the 'Total triggered' stat will increase once according to the limitation.
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- Run before the trigger: In automations that are set to run before the trigger, the stats only change once the automation is actually triggered (according to the selected time buffer).
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Why do I see a smaller number than I used to?
Why do I see a much larger number than I used to?