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Weather Forecast: Colors

1 min read

Under Colors, you can customize the look and feel of the Weather Forecast app to match your site.

To customize the app:
  • Main Text: Click the drop-down menu to change the color of the main text.
  • Secondary Text: Click the drop-down menu to change the color of the secondary text.
  • Background: Click the drop-down menu to change the background color and drag the slider to change the opacity.
  • Lines and Boxes: Click the drop-down menu to change the box and line color and drag the slider to change the width.
  • Border: Click the drop-down menu to change the border color and drag the slider to change the width.
  • Corner Sizes: Enter the pixel size of each corner or select the checkbox next to Lock Corners Together to keep all corners the same.
  • Shadow: Select or deselect the checkbox to enable or disable the shadow.