Third-Party App: GeoIPShield by WEB-STAT

1 min read
With the GeoIPShield app, you can protect your website from spam, bad bots, and all unwanted traffic, by redirecting these unwanted visits away from your pages.
A screenshot showing the app UI.
This app is only available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

Features and benefits include:

  • Protects your website from spam, bad bots, and all unwanted traffic.
  • Scores each visitor based on its IP history. Use that score to accept or decline the visit automatically.
  • Block/accept visits based on the country, on the IP, on the user agent, or on the IP score.
  • Redirect legitimate traffic to country-specific pages. Create several rules to handle complex situations.
Check out the GeoIPShield app by WEB-STAT to get started. 
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