Third-Party App: GeoIPShield by WEB-STAT
1 min read
With the GeoIPShield app, you can protect your website from spam, bad bots, and all unwanted traffic, by redirecting these unwanted visits away from your pages.
This app is only available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
Features and benefits include:
- Protects your website from spam, bad bots, and all unwanted traffic.
- Scores each visitor based on its IP history. Use that score to accept or decline the visit automatically.
- Block/accept visits based on the country, on the IP, on the user agent, or on the IP score.
- Redirect legitimate traffic to country-specific pages. Create several rules to handle complex situations.
Check out the GeoIPShield app by WEB-STAT to get started.
For questions and comments, contact WEB-STAT directly: