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Troubleshooting a Suspended Status on a .co.uk Domain

1 min read
In this article
  • Step 1 | Check for a verification email from Wix
  • Step 2 | Contact the UK domain registry (Nominet)
If your .co.uk domain has entered a Suspended status, you may need to verify your domain or update its contact information. Follow the steps below to troubleshoot this issue.

Step 1 | Check for a verification email from Wix

Your domain might be suspended if you haven't verified it with Wix. Check if you have received an email about the verification process from wix-team@domain.wix.com. If you find such an email, follow the process to get your domain unsuspended.
The subject line of the Wix email is: 'VERIFICATION REQUIRED - Please verify your domain name(s) as soon as possible'. 
 Make sure that you are checking the email account address that you used to register your domain (or the one that is set as the current point-of-contact for your domain).
If you can't see a verification email from Wix, check in your spam folder.

Step 2 | Contact the UK domain registry (Nominet)

Another reason that your domain might be suspended is if the address and contact information stored in the WHOIS records don't match the information in the official UK records. 
Nominet (the official registry for all .UK domain names) is paying great attention to this matter and could suspend a domain if its information does not completely match.
Contact Nominet directly to find out if they suspended your domain and how you can resolve this matter. You can contact their support team from the Nominet website
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