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Site Members: Creating a Custom Login Form For Your Member's Area

3 min
The Member Login window allows existing members to log back in to your site. Customize this form to make it your own: Change the colors, tailor the fields to your needs and add the option to log in through Google or Facebook.

To create a custom login in form:

  1. Click the Pages icon  on the left side of the Editor.
  2. Click Signup & Login.
  3. Click Member Login Form.
  4. Click the drop-down menu and select Custom Form.
  5. Select which option your members should see first in the login form:
    • New member signup: The signup window appears first. Existing members see a link to switch to the login window.
    • Existing member login: The login window appears first. New members see a link to switch to the signup window.
  6. Click Edit Custom Log In Form to access the form.
  7. Customize your form by doing the following:
Custom form only appearing on your live site?
You may be experiencing one of our known issues. We are aware of this issue, and are working to resolve it as soon as possible. Learn more about this issue and see potential workarounds