Single Video Player: Adding a Video from Facebook

1 min read
Add a single Facebook video to your site using the Single Video Player. This sleek and easy-to-use player allows you to customize the autoplay and add a description of the video. 

To add a video from Facebook:

  1. Click Add  on the left side of your Editor.
  2. Click Video and Music.
  3. Click Single Video Player
  4. Click the Facebook Video option, or drag it to the relevant location.
  5. Click Change Video.
  6. Paste the video URL in the field What's the video's web address?
  7. Customize the playback options:
    • Autoplays: Click the Autoplays toggle to enable or disable it:
      • Enabled: The video autoplays on mute. Visitors can turn the sound on manually.  
      • Disabled: The video does not play automatically. 
  8. Scroll down, and enter a description of the video in the field What's this video about?
Want to display more than one video?
To display several Facebook videos in a playlist or channel with many more advanced video features and design options, use Wix Video. Learn More

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