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Security of Wix's Sign Up Services and User Information

1 min read
Wix values the security of our customers' information and we do everything in our power to protect it. 

Here's what we do to protect your information:

  • Wix contracts security consultants to ensure the security of our user information. They perform regular security audits and infiltration testing to maintain our ISO/PCI security certifications. Any issues that are reported to our security team or raised during security audits these are resolved as soon as possible.
  • Wix encrypts databases containing sensitive information, according to PCI standards, to add additional protection of personally identifiable information. Our encryption methods renders this information unreadable without a cryptographic key. 
  • Wix has a multiple layer security architecture to help protect against 0-day security issues. 
  • Wix's signup and login services are completed through a secure server. The information provided to Wix in the signup process is secured via HTTPS/ SSL communication. 
  • Wix uses cryptography hash functions to protect your information. Your password is stored as a hash digest and, in the event of a security breach, your original password cannot be recovered from our servers.  
If you believe you've found a security issue or vulnerability, please contact the Wix Security team. Click here to learn more.