Guidelines for Posting to the Velo Forum

2 min read
When submitting a post to the Velo Forum, please make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Be nice. We love the forum atmosphere and we love seeing how much everyone enjoys helping each other. We firmly believe that we should safeguard this culture. This is our space and we should protect it. We all have different skills and different challenges, so don't forget that each one of us was once a code newbie 😄 .
  • Search before you post. Use the forum search. There's a great chance that someone has already solved the problem that you are facing. 
  • Use meaningful titles. ‘How can I create a collapsing and expanding repeater?’ is a much better title than ‘Help please!’ This makes it easier for people to spot the posts that they can help with. 
  • Use Hashtags. It makes it #easy #to #follow #topics
  • Multiple short posts are better than one long one. Keeping posts short makes it easy to find specific answers and makes the post relevant for more people. 
  • Keep questions focused and clear. This makes each question easier to solve, which means more people can help. 
  • Format the text in your question. Use code blocks, bullets, and other options to make it easier to parse your question. 
  • Don't post really long code blocks. Debugging code is difficult enough when it's short. Post only the part of your code that you think has the problem. 
  • Provide as many details as possible. Share what you think you did right, what you’ve tried to do, and what's blocking you. Include any relevant screenshots, code, and URLs to make it easier for others to understand the problem. 
  • Use Top Comment to recognize your peers’ help. Decide which answer is the best and mark it as Top Comment under the Show More icon. This makes it easier for other members to spot the correct answer.

    You can access the Velo Forum here

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