Avoiding the Use of Abusive Content
1 min
The following does not constitute legal advice and should be used for informational purposes only.
We have set out some guidelines for you, as a user, to help you keep your site safe and abuse free. Types of content which could lead to an abuse complaint being filed against you include, but are not limited to:
- Defamation of character: Also referred to as slander. Any intentional false claims made about another person, business, product, group, government, religion or nation. This also includes hate speech, as well as libel.
- Phishing methods: An attempt to gather private or sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords or credit card details.
- Content Promoting Self-Harm: This includes, but it not limited to, content glorifying any type of self-harm such as suicide, eating disorders or cutting. This does not include sites created to act as a support system or create awareness.
- Electronic Spamming: The use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited, and often repeated, messages, usually for marketing purposes. This is especially important for users who have purchased a Wix Email Marketing premium plan. If this applies to you, we recommend that you read through our email marketing campaign best practices tutorial.
The nature of the content that you choose to upload to your site is under your responsibility. Like any other website in the world, a site created through Wix is subject to international law.
Wix has the right to remove any abusive content hosted on the Wix system at its sole and absolute discretion and with no obligation to provide explanations.
Check out the Wix Content blog to learn more about the legalities of writing online.