Add New Field

1 min read
Add as many fields as you need to your form. Choose from the following field types: 
Field Type
Contact fields
Add contact fields to your site forms or standalone forms to collect contact info from site visitors. Contact fields are useful because the data collected is automatically saved in Contacts in your dashboard.
Basic fields
Basic fields include all the common types of fields you can add in Wix Forms such as text fields, number fields, date fields, and selection fields like checkboxes and dropdown lists.
Advanced fields
Advanced fields are special fields to help enhance the forms on your site. With advanced fields, site visitors can interact with the form by uploading files to the form or adding their e-signature.
Note: To use advanced fields, you must upgrade to a Premium plan.
Add a reCAPTCHA field to help protect against potential spam and other types of automated abuse. ReCAPTCHA asks visitors to enter numbers or words seen in distorted images onscreen.
Learn more about the different types of fields in Wix Forms.