Connettere PayU Turchia come fornitore di pagamento

Tempo di lettura: 2 min.
Wix non supporta più la connessione a PayU Turchia come fornitore di servizi di pagamento. Questa modifica riguarda sia i titolari di conti PayU nuovi che quelli esistenti. In Turchia, PayU si è fusa con iyzico per creare un gigante fintech locale e puoi contattare iyzico per ricevere informazioni sul'integrazione con Wix.
General Info

Supported countries
Supported currencies
Note: The currency used in your Wix account must match the currency in your PayU account. If the currencies do not match, the transactions may be declined. Click here to learn how to change your currency.
Transaction fees
There are 2 options:
Per Transaction: 2.49% + 0.3TL per transaction
Yearly Service Fee: 620TL per year
Note: If you accept payment in installments, fees may differ depending on the number of installments.
Account activation
Requires review by PayU Turkey
Currently, this payment provider cannot be used with Wix Bookings.

Connect PayU Turkey as a Payment Provider

  1. Go to the Accept Payments tab on your dashboard.
    Tip: Check your business location at the top right. If incorrect, click the drop-down menu to change it.
  2. Select Credit/Debit Cards.
  3. Click Connect Me.
  4. Click Set Up Account.
  5. Select an option:
    • Have an account: 
      1. Click Connect Existing Account.
      2. Enter your Merchant ID and Secret Key.
      3. Click Connect my account.
    • Don't have an account: 
      1. Click Create an account.
      2. Click Create An Account again.
      3. Follow the instructions to create an account.
      4. Return to this window (repeat steps 1-5) and follow the steps under Have an account to connect your account.

Settings in your PayU Account

Enable the following settings to make sure PayU processes orders from your site correctly and notifies you of any new transaction. 

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