Accessibility: About the Accessibility Wizard in the Studio Editor

2 min read
In this article
  • Get a comprehensive overview
  • Optimize the way you build sites
  • Get actionable solutions
The Accessibility Wizard is a tool to help you find and fix accessibility issues on the site you're working on. It scans the site from your editor, and guides you through actions to enhance the experience for your client's site visitors and customers. 
  • This article refers to the Accessibility Wizard in the Studio Editor. To learn more about the Wizard in the Wix Editor, please click here.
  • While Wix is always striving to improve our products and services, we cannot guarantee that sites will be compliant with your region's accessibility laws and regulations after using the Wizard. We recommend consulting an accessibility expert to ensure that the site is meeting the standards for your region.

Get a comprehensive overview

When you scan a site with the Accessibility Wizard, the results are displayed in 2 tabs: Detected issues, and Manual tasks
We've based these tasks on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2. This document has been developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and outlines the international standard for web accessibility.
Scanning a site with the Accessibility Wizard is therefore a great way to get a sense of the site's accessibility, and see helpful suggestions for improvements. 
Did you know?
Changes you make are saved in the wizard as you go, so you can switch between tabs (or exit the wizard completely) without losing any progress.

Optimize the way you build sites

The wizard highlights what it's found in the Detected issues tab, and splits them into site-level and page issues:
  • Site-level issues: These are potential accessibility blockers that apply to the whole site (e.g. main site language, DOM order, etc.), so you can quickly make holistic adjustments.
  • Page issues: Each site page has its own drop-down in the wizard, allowing you to update specific content and settings like alt text, color contrast, and more.
Detected issues are a helpful way to start improving a site's accessibility, and work towards creating an equal experience for everyone. Learn more about detected issues

Get actionable solutions

Each part of a site's accessibility is important. The Manual tasks tab displays actions or issues the wizard can't detect, helping you to cover as much of the site as possible.
The tab provides detailed guidelines for adjusting elements and settings, such as use of color, browser zoom, and more. Learn more about manual tasks
Going through each task can help clients expand their business, and provide a site experience that is more accessible for visitors.